The project aims to deliver new sustainable, social and cost rental housing at the former St. Teresa’s Gardens site.
The Donore Project is the working title for the project to develop new sustainable, social and cost rental housing at the former St. Teresa’s Gardens site. The project is being progressed by the State’s Land Development Agency for Dublin City Council, and will be developed in line with Dublin City Council’s Masterplan for the area.
While the final design of the project will only be completed post consultation with local stakeholders, it is estimated that the project could deliver between 600 and 700 homes in the heart of the city. The development will also include high quality public realm, green spaces and recreational facilities which will be delivered in tandem with the overall Masterplan and adjoining sites to create an integrated, connected community.
The LDA have commenced an early-stage consultation on the Donore Project and as part of this outreach, the LDA has launched a project website; which includes an online 5 minute survey seeking views on a range of related subjects. A version of that survey here with a leaflet promoting the project.
Why not take time to visit the website and complete the 5 minute survey which will help to inform issues and priorities for the design of a new distinctive and sustainable neighbourhood at the heart of the Donore area.
The LDA has appointed a Community Liaison Office for the project, who is engaging directly with stakeholders and a number of meetings have already been held with St Teresa’s Gardens Regeneration Board and local elected representatives. It is intended to expand the number of engagements in the coming months, using Covid appropriate methods.
The Land Development Agency (LDA) is a commercial, State-sponsored body that has been created to coordinate land within State control for more optimal uses where appropriate, with a focus on the provision of housing. The Government has committed to capitalising it with €1.25 billion following enactment of its recently published grounding legislation. The LDA has a national focus and is currently active on a number of sites that will deliver over 4,000 homes.